Esoteric Psychological Scientific Astrology : 37 Horoscopes of the disciples of the Tibetan Master DK with more than a hundred ray’s identities.
by Daniel Véga
This booklet brings together 37 horoscopes from the disciples of the Tibetan master Djwal Khul with more than a hundred ray’s identities, accompanied by references to the two volumes « Disciple in the New Age » by Alice Bailey.
Extracted from this publication, follow 15 color pages which allow better visualizing the relationships between signs and exoteric (classic), esoteric and hierarchical planetary regents. Particularly with the graphics in color « Aspectarian of the Rays » which indicate what are the rays and qualities transmitted via the interplanetary aspects.
This study and research document makes it possible to deepen the relations between the planets and the 7 rays, relations which offer a very large field of research and astrological investigation applied to modern, spiritual and esoteric psychology.
Parution september 2023
- 1. Presentation
- 2. Books by Alice Bailey with their index number
- 3. The 7 rays and their signs triangles
- 4. Summary of the search method for rays identities
- 5. Indications on the presentation of the horoscopes
- 6. 37 Horoscopes of the disciples of the Tibetan Master DK
- 7. 15 color pages extracted from the book by D.Véga « Astrologie scientifique psychologique ésotérique Les 7 rayons dans l’horoscope »
- 8. Bibliography
- 9. Original 4 pages document in the appendix : « Disciples who participated in DK’s group work experiments »
PDF electronic eBook of 66 pages.
Format A4 210mmx297mm printable.
66 pages
ISBN : ISBN 978-2-918175-15-5
Public price: 6€00
Astrologie scientifique psychologique ésotérique